O Arglwydd dysg im chwilio

1,(2,(3));  1,3,4;  1,5,(6);  1,7;  1,8.
("Chwiliwch yr Ysgrythyrau.")
O Arglwydd, dysg im chwilio
  I wirioneddau'r Gair
Nes dod o hyd i'r Ceidwad
  Fu gynt ar liniau Mair;
Mae ef yn Dduw galluog,
  Mae'n gadarn i iachau;
Er cymaint yw fy llygredd
  Mae'n ffynnon i'm glanhau.

A'i waed ei hun fe dalodd
  Anfeidrol werth yn glau:
Dattododd seliau'r llyfyr
  Oedd hyd yn hyn yn nghan,
Fel gall yr euog ddarllen
  Holl gynghor hedd ei Dad:
Pwy ddichon lai na chanu
  Am Iesu mawr a'i waed!

O Arglwydd da, argraffa
  Dy wirioneddau gwiw
Yn rymus ar fy meddwl,
  I aros tra fwyf byw:
Mwy parchus boed dy ddeddfau,
  Mwy annwyl nag erioed -
Yn gysur bônt i'm calon,
  Yn llusern wiw i'm troed.

Myfyrdod am Gyfryngwr
  A phethau dwyfol, drud,
Fo'n llanw 'nghalon wamal
  Yn felys iawn o hyd:
A bydded prawf maddeuant,
  Yr heddwch sydd
      trwy'r Iawn,
Gartrefol yn fy mynwes
  O fore hyd brynhawn.

Pa Dduw ym mhlith y duwiau,
  Sy debyg i'n Duw ni?
Mae'n hoffi maddeu'n beiau,
  Mae'n hoffi gwrandaw'n cri:
Nid byth y deil eiddigedd,
  Gwell ganddo drugarhau;
Er maint ein hannheilyngdod,
  Mae'i gariad E'n parhau.

Tangnefedd Duw yn ddiball,
  Sydd uwchlaw deall dyn,
A gadwo ein calonau,
  A ninnau ynddo'n un;
A gras ein Harglwydd Iesu,
  A chariad Un yn Dri,
Cymdeithas y Glân Ysbryd
  Fo'n hyfryd gyda ni.

I'r Tad a'r Mab boed moliant,
  Gogoniant yn gytûn,
Ynghyd â'r Sanctaidd Ysbryd,
  Tragwyddol Dri yn Un;
Fel gynt o'r dechrau ydoedd,
  Y bydd, ac fel mae'n awr,
Heb dranc, na phall, na diwedd,
  I dragwyddoldeb mawr.

Y clod, y nerth, yr enw,
  Anrhydedd, parch, a bri,
I'r Drindod fawr yn Undod,
  A'r Undod pur yn Dri:
Ei glod ehedo allan,
  Ei glod anfeidrol Ef,
Trwy ëangder annherfynol
  Mesurau maith y nef.
I wirioneddau :: Yn ngwirioneddau
dod o hyd i'r :: imi gael y
liniau :: fynwes
galluog :: trugarog
gadarn i iachau :: galluog i wellâu

1-2, 5-7: Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1805
  3-4  : David Charles 1803-80
  8  : William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [7676D]:
Endsleigh (Salvatore Ferretti 1817-74)
Llandysul (alaw Almaenaidd)
Meirionydd (alaw Gymreig)
Missionary (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
Pen yr Yrfa (William James 1877-1964)
Penmachno (<1835)
Rhyddid (alaw Gymreig)

  Dyma o(e)dfa newydd (O Arglwydd dyro rym)
  O Arglwydd da argraffa
  Y clôd y nerth a'r enw

("Search the Scriptures.")
O Lord, teach me to search
  For the truths of the Word
Until finding the Saviour
  Who was once on Mary's knees;
He is mighty God,
  He is strong to save;
Despite how great is my corruption
  He is a fount to cleanse me.

And his own blood paid
  The immeasurable price quickly:
He undid the seals of the book
  Which heretofore in song,
So that the guilty can read
  All the counsel of his Father's peace:
Who can do less than sing
  Of great Jesus and his blood!

O good Lord, impress
  Thy worthy truths
Forcefully on my thought,
  To stay while I live:
Let thy laws be more honoured,
  More dear than ever -
A comfort let them be to my heart,
  A worthy lantern to my feet.

May meditation about a Mediator
  And precious divine things
Be flooding my unstable heart
  Very sweetly always:
And let a taste of forgiveness,
  The peace that is
      through the Atonement, be
At home in my bosom
  From morning until evening.

What God amongst the Gods,
  Is like to our God?
He loves to forgive our sins,
  He loves to hear our cry:
He will not forever keep jealousy,
  He would rather have mercy;
Despite the extent of our unworthiness,
  His love endures.

The peace of God unfading,
  Is above man's understanding,
And shall keep our hearts,
  And us in him as one;
And the grace of our Lord Jesus,
  And the love of the One in Three,
The fellowship of the Holy Spirit
  Be delightfully with us.

To the Father and the Son be praise,
  Glory in agreement,
Together with the Holy Spirit,
  An eternal Three in One;
As formerly from the beginning it was,
  Shall be, and as it is now,
Without dying, or fading, or end,
  To a great eternity.

The acclaim, the strength, the name,
  Honour, reverence, and fame,
To the great Trinity in Unity,
  And the pure Unity in Three:
His acclaim will fly out,
  His immeasurable acclaim,
Through the interminable breadth
  Of the vast measures of heaven.
For the truths :: In the truths
knees :: breast
mighty :: merciful
strong to save :: mighty to heal

tr. 2009,23 Richard B Gillion

O write upon my memory, Lord,
The text and doctrines of thy Word,
  That I may break thy laws no more,
  But love thee better than before!
With thoughts of Christ and things divine
Fill up this foolish heart of mine:
  That, hoping pardon through his blood,
  I may lie down, and wake with God.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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